Moe's Home

Elegant 8 x 10 Ivory Office Rug

From manufacturer Moe's Home's exclusive rug collection, this gorgeous rug is woven from viscose and wool with a cotton backing. The ivory tone is subtle and elegant, a fantastic addition to any conference room, waiting area, or office. Don't wait--spruce up your office now with this elegant rug. 

Its dimensions are 96" W x 120" D x .5" H.

This product ships with LTL (heavy freight) carriers from Washington state. Processing times are longer than average (5-7 business days), after which items ship from Washington state. Transit times range from 1-5 days, depending on where the products are shipping to.

We include the top service level available on LTL shipments (inside delivery). This includes delivery to the first floor, the first dry space (often a building's receiving area, or the garage of a home). For boxes to be moved to a specific office, or a higher floor, a moving / assembly company will need to be hired. We can assist with finding one in your area if needed.

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