
92" Conference Table with Oak Legs and Onyx Finish

This sleek and modern conference table will make a gorgeous addition to any conference room. It features an onyx veneer top that is 92" wide, providing plenty of space for you and your whole team to meet around. It's oak legs are incredibly sturdy and have stylish metal tips for cool accent. If you are searching for a modern table, with a sturdy build, sleek look, and lots of space, this is the table for you!

The dimensions are 92" W X 39.5" D X 30" H.

Most products from this manufacturer ship with LTL (heavy freight) carriers, though a few smaller items ship with FedEx. Processing times typically range from 3-6 business days, but with current Covid-19 issues, this warehouse is taking 2-3 weeks to ship out. Please be aware of this delay when ordering. Once they are ready, items ship from New York. Transit times range from 1-5 days, depending on where the products are shipping to.

We include the top service level available on LTL shipments (inside delivery). This includes delivery to the first floor, the first dry space (often a building's receiving area, or the garage of a home). For boxes to be moved to a specific office, or a higher floor, a moving / assembly company will need to be hired. We can assist with finding one in your area if needed.

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